Teeth whitening strips.


Best teeth whitening.

Nowadays, teeth whitening products are numerous and very different one from each other and even if the bleaching agents are quite the same, their percentage vary and every kind of whitening method can have different results.

In recent years, bleaching has become one of the most required treatments by people going to the dentist, since white teeth are a synonymous of healthy teeth, a symbol of beauty and they can improve one’s quality of life, self-esteem, and social relationships. This type of treatment can be done at the dentist’s office but also at home, in many different ways, through the so-called over-the-counter whitening products.

Over-the-counter products are whitening toothpaste, gels, chewing gums, rinses, paint-on films, and whitening strips: every one contains the basic bleaching substances, carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide, and other agents, that work breaking the stains that darken the enamel.

teeth whitening stripsWhitening strips. Its diffusion.

Teeth whitening stripes are a very popular way of bleaching, since they are simple to use, cheap and effective: whitening stripes are small pieces of plastic coated with a gel that are applied on the top front teeth and the bottom front teeth; the stripes have to stay on teeth for some minutes, from 20 to 30 minutes, and the treatment must be repeated for 14-20 days. Usually, the first results appear in about seven days.

Teeth whitening strips cost.

Whitening stripes cost between 15-30 dollars, so they are suitable for almost all the budgets and the result of the treatment is expected to last between six months and a year; the result can be prolonged using whitening toothpaste and avoiding habits that can stain the enamel, such as some type of foods and drinks and tobacco.

Professional teeth whitening. The use.

Usually, the best way to whiten teeth is a slow and gentle method, prolonged in the time, that whitens teeth without annoying downsides: teeth whitening is considered a safe procedure, but an overuse of whitening agents can make the teeth more sensitive, irritate the gums, and weaken the enamel, so, for example, this kind of treatments are not recommended for people with sensitive teeth, children, or pregnant or nursing women, in the latter case because of the ingestion of bleaching agents.

Teeth whitening strips.

Anyway, any discomforts or problems can be easily resolved by the dentist, because sometimes at home bleaching doesn’t guarantee the same result on all the teeth, especially on the false ones, and effects might be different from person to person, depending on their natural color of the enamel.