Dental X-ray exposure.


Dental radiography. Problems.

A ‘bitewing’ X-ray or any other dental X-ray examination are a very common procedure dentists use to monitor the patient’s condition and see the position of the teeth, even those that are not out yet, the health of the roots, the presence of cavities.

Very often, X-rays are the only tool available to treat cases of cavities, tooth decay, and impacted teeth, and this kind of examination might be precious.

dental X-ray exposureDental radiation.

Anyway, every time we submit to X-ray we are exposed to radiations, and this can be a problem for patients.

Recently, the sensitivity to materials and tools used by dentists has increased significantly and many people reject and condemn the traditional methods.

About the radiations received during X-rays, some fear that they may be harmful to their health, be related to the formation of tumours and increase the radiation dose to which we are already exposed.

Panoramic teeth x ray. Risks.

The scientific community and ADA stated that while dental X-rays do involve radiation, the exposed levels are so low they’re considered safe for children and adults. If your dentist uses digital X-rays instead of developing them on film, the risks from radiation exposure are even lower; moreover, during the examination, the most delicate parts of the body that do not need to be ‘photographed’ are covered with special bibs that block radiation.

However, there are people who do not submit to x-rays for any reason, particularly pregnant women.

The ADA and other dental associations have established that the use of X-rays must always be circumstantial and limited to the necessary cases. The dentist uses X-rays only when necessary, for example tracking the progress of a dental problem or treatment, if there are signs of oral diseases, impacted teeth or to treat wisdom teeth.

Very often, new patients undergo dental X-rays so that the new dentist can get a clear picture of their dental health.

Dental X-ray exposure.

Children may need dental X-ray more than adults since the dentist has to check the growth of their adult teeth and prevent future complications.

Whereas dental X-rays are a valuable diagnostic tool, the scientific community states that radiation exposure associated with dentistry represents a minor contribution to the total exposure from all sources, including natural and man-made.